
Tap Dance Practice - Dixie - 4/4 Time, Practice Phrases, Met. 88

Tap Dance Practice - Dixie - 4-4 Time, Practice Phrases, Met. 88 (19??) Unknown

Something of a disappointment this one.  I'd really hoped there was some kind of verbal instruction for the kiddies over top the music, or the sound of tap shoes. Sadly there is nothing of the kind. There isn't even a pressing or publication date, though by the album cover styling I'd guess early 60s.  Boo.  The only information given for each track is present in the title.  In this case 4/4 time, 'practice phrases' indicating it is different song sections repeated for practice sake, and the metronome marking of 88..  that's 88bpm.  Please don't pull out your metronome to confirm it.. my turntable plays slow.

Let's let this be the example that shows you really do have to dig through a lot of crappy vinyl to find the gold nuggets!  This ain't one of them.  Sorry kids.

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